Our office will be closed Wednesday, October 9th and Thursday, October 10th due to the hurricane.
12757 Tamiami Trl. S. North Port, FL 34287
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The Importance of Healthy Feet & Ankles
The human foot has been called the "mirror of health" because many signs of adverse health conditions like diabetes, arthritis, neuropathy, and circulatory disease often appear first in the feet. Even when we remain disease-free, we put tremendous wear and tear on our feet. In a single lifetime, the average person walks more than 115,000 miles, or the equivalent of four times around the world! By the time most people reach age 50, this constant wear and tear can result in disability or loss of mobility. The good news, however, is that most foot & ankle problems can be prevented and corrected with proper care. Call us today to experience the gentle, caring treatment you deserve.
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